Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dinner at Fu Run Restaurant (Part I)

I've been wanted to go to this restaurant for a very long time, and  I am glad I finally went last night. Fu Run is a restaurant located at 40-09 Prince street, Flushing, NY. It specializes 
in Northeast style Chinese food. The food was tasty, and favorable. It's so good that I might go back again in a few days.

Country Style Green Bean Sheet Jelly
 A salad with sheets of green bean jelly, cucumbers, pork, carrots, cilantro, wood ear mushrooms. Wonderful appetizer to start with.
Yellow Fish w/ sweet & sour sauce
Love the sauce,  not your typical Chinese take out

Muslim Lamb Chop
The signature dish of the restaurant.The meat is marinated, braised,
deep-fried and coated in cumin seeds, crushed chilies and white and black sesame seeds. The lamb
is cooked to the point where it easily falls off the bone. Juicy, crunchy, tender, and fatty. Very satisfying. A must order dish  in the restaurant. 

Muslim Lamb Chop

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